Friday, February 14, 2014

Valuable resources...

I have a few things to catch you up on,so I think I will just pop up a few quick posts from my phone over the next few days.
Also can't for the life of me transfer photos from this phone to any other if I have cell phone pic I shall cell phone blog he..he..he really I'm not as un-techy as I seem!!

Anyway...So this past Sunday,my partner and I decided to hit the RV & Cottage Life show.It was worth the price of $10 each to get in..I believe we spent 3-4hrs there.

Slightly unimpressed looking pic of my partner to follow.He's actually having way more fun than it looks like...once we got through all the vendors and he got to look at the toys that is....

Well as tired as I was at the end of the day I went from having no idea what we were doing to having no idea what we're doing but with a whack of business cards!

To sum it up,I talked to anyone that I thought could help us.
That includes 3 guys on insulation,5 guys about solar power,one lady and one man about water filtration.We got info on generators,wood stoves,pellet stoves,energy tests..and a business card from a lady that will drive to you and bath your dog in her van.So if our dog happens to get skunked while we are bus living, I don't have to bring him into our tiny living space and gag us all out.This is a fab thing!

Anyway,I found some people I liked,people I didn't, some that couldn't be bothered to waste time on our small project and some were all but rude.
The important thing is I found a few businesses that I would consider driving our bus to (when we have one) so that they can do work for us...and I mean drive a few hours to get to as opposed to using others in the area.
They were that great.

So whether we decide to do things ourselves or pay someone to help us,I have a well labeled stack of cards in my binder that will tell me exactly who I need to call..and some to remind me who to avoid.

So if you are thinking bus conversion or tiny house..get thyself to an RV show.Some of the swag is not bad either!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The incredibly amazing world of phone apps!!!

So I have been checking out phone apps to see if there are any that can help me simplify and organize in the days leading up to our Bus purchase.

Posting quick,on the go blog entries from my phone sounds like my kinda fun,so this is "test" entry number one!

I had planned on doing a more in depth review on the apps I found intriguing, but maybe I will give you a quick rundown in this post and then come back to break it down which app I preferred in each category. Sound like a plan? we go.

Apps that I plan to try out and decide which ones help, which ones eat up phone storage space and which ones just don't get used.

*Document scanning apps
Scan recipes,paperwork, and various odds and ends to reduce paper clutter

*Loyalty card apps
Scan all your points cards for stores etc and get rid of the physical wallet clutter

* "Stuff" and "Things" apps
Record a list of items like books,movies,or anything you want really. Helps to avoid buying something you already have,remind you what's needed or keep track for selling/purging items

*Grocery apps
Make lists,check flyers,check recipes etc.
I have one of these apps and I do really like it,but it doesn't actually do all the things it claims to sooo....

There are also multiple apps for Organization, Digitally storing items right down to your kids artwork,Arranging your floor plans! Setting up your cleaning schedule and sharing it with your partner,and last but not least,ones to help you plan out goals and reach them.

I will let you know as I try them out and which ones that I find live up to their claims.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Heating,Solar Panels,and Composting toilets Oh My!

So..Not being one to keep a faithful blog or journal before,it's hard figuring out where to begin.
Where do I start,how much do I write in each entry,and how do I not bore you to death.

Well I guess I will start with a quick overview of why we decided we wanted to live on a bus,and then what made us decide not to look for one for a year.
We (My Boyfriend and I & our Basset Hound Waldo) have been in an amazingly cheap basement apartment for a long and fortunate time.
We can't stay here forever,although the owner of the house is a good friend,she does not want to own the house forever.
I tried a few years back with my 80hr work week consisting of 2 jobs with guaranteed hours and a few other part time jobs with sporadic hours (not to mention my fantastical credit score that I was so proud of) to get preapproved for a mortgage..
Um hmm.
Even though owning my own home would lower my bills and stress and be an awesome investment,I was told I pay too much in bills and they would barely approve me enough to buy a shack in the woods.
"Did you not just hear yourself Lady,you just pointed out how I bust my ass to pay my bills AND on time!"
I would have been fine fixing up a shack in the woods,don't get me wrong,but have you actually tried to get a mortgage for a fixer upper,when you are low income?
I mean LOW INCOME...when your income tax bracket is still considered below the poverty line after working 60-80hrs every week.
So I gave up and we plowed on here,I left one job that I hated before the stress of it all killed me.
Ok okay,so it took a year of stress leave before I really realized how much I needed to slow down,just swallow a bankruptcy and not live to work anymore.
So one job,and not looking to add another because I don't need to work from the light of dawn til hours past sunset to justify my right to want and have things.
I'm sure you have all seen lists,and posts and articles all over the internet and one of the things they tell you is when you get old,you will NOT wish you had worked more.
When I say work,I mean for someone else,to better someone elses company and put a couple more dollars in my piggy bank.
I have no problem working more for us,for our life,to do for ourselves things that we have come to depend on having machines do for us,or things that we can just buy from the store.
But no..I am not busting my ass for someone else anymore for basic minimum food and shelter.
We can build our own.

(NOTE* If you are of the opinion that I need to get another job,grow up or save up $20,000 before I even attempt something so ridiculous then please leave our blog.We have gotten support in unexpected places as well as nay-sayers.Just because you are afraid to do what you want in life,don't piss on our parade)

It started out with many blogs and articles on Tiny Houses,check them out,some are pretty awesome.
So we went in circles over this,I would look at them online and *sigh* and J (my Bf) would say "Let's do it" and I would reply "but we would need land,no one would give us money for a house,they will never give us money for land they don't think we can afford to build anything of value on" *sigh*
I started seeing buses in some of the Tiny House blogs and thought.."Omg I think we could do this"
So I voiced this to J and he gave me the excited kid look and I knew I had him.
We went online and looked at buses and thought.."Hey!We could afford one once I do my income tax and get my holiday pay come this spring."..."Erm,wait.."

*We need funds and materials to redo the inside so it's livable and also so we don't freeze to death,this IS Canada eh
*Then we need some cash to get it road worthy,umm howdowe do that???Is That even LEGAL
*Where do we get a holding tank cause uh,we need water,and where do we fill our tank,thinking the local car wash or the neighbors hose may be 'no-goes'
*Oh really crap..Um where do you dump your other erm holding tank?
*Where are we really gonna park it when it comes down to it.
 Walmart parking lot is not my idea of a backyard.."Hunny,Waldo's rope is tangled in the cart return again!!!"
 So I guess we could move from place to place a little more than we planned,but you know Waldo does turn  that lovely shade of green during a drive,so I would like to keep the evil torture of my dog down to maybe  twice a year.
*So Hun,how do you think we wire all the electricity up inside anyway..We can get an ebook on that right? Hehe..Maybe we should pay an electrician to check it out when we're done just incase.
*Uh..yeah we kinda got lost there,so what kind of bus should we get,what's easier to work on,how do we find parts for one,good lord I think we need air tools or a service guy just to change a flat!

Maybe we better research this stuff,BEFORE we buy a bus....

So this commences our year and about 4 months "ish" of research.
I will try to keep you updated on info we had to look for,how we found it and where.
Products we plan to try out in advance of the bus buying and 'reno-ing'
Some fun facts,interesting shenanigans and hopefully some pics of Intentional Communities we would like to check out as well as Ecovillages or adventures into starting up or joining a Land Share.I want this puppy to have a base where I can plant a garden and a erm,clothesline? in the ground.
Eventually we will be able to share our adventures of the actual search and reno of our bus.

Until then I will post an adorable picture of my Waldo below to amuse you and give you faith in our adventures.I mean how could we truly fail,we have Super Dawg!!!
Feel free to leave comments or links to any products,places,etc that you have found helpful AND if you would be interested in starting a land share in Ontario with us,leave some form of contact info for me :)